Each year the Bay Music Boosters offers a unique opportunity for several Bay Schools instrumental and choir music students to attend a music camp with a scholarship through the Rowland Hosmer Music Camp Scholarships. These awards are available to students in grades 3 through 11 who are in the instrumental and choral music program. The awards are given based solely on the merit of the student and the camp program, not on academics or need. Up to 15 music students whose families are Booster members will receive a $150 scholarship. Students will be selected by the Bay School music directors and Boosters.
The scholarships are intended to help defray the cost of the selected camps, not necessarily to pay for them in the entirety. The scholarships are not intended for travel with a local ensemble. We hope you will encourage your student to consider a summer music camp experience. Private teachers receive information about camps. Local music stores often have lists for summer camps. You may also look in the music hall at the middle school and high school for the latest listings. In addition, you can find camps online. There are camps for everyone!
Bay Music Boosters Senior Music Scholarship is awarded annually in the spring and is part of the local scholarship common application process. Recipients are selected based on merit and receive up to $1000 in scholarship. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior who has been accepted as a music performance or music education major at an accredited college, university, or music school. The selection committee is comprised of all Bay Schools instrumental music teachers and select members of Bay Music Boosters. A list of other local scholarships and the common application can be found on the Bay High School website.