Tuxedo Distribution- New Date and Details

Students in Symphonic Band, A Cappella, Show Choir, and Orchestra that need a tuxedo for this school year (or that have outgrown their current tuxedo) should plan on coming the Tux Fitting & Distribution Night on Wednesday September 18 @ 6 – 8 p.m. in the music hallway.  You will need to try on pants, jacket, and shirt and will be taking them home that evening. 

Please bring:  a signed copy of the attached Tux Contract, and a form of payment for the tux cleaning (checks payable to Bay Music Boosters or cash; a QR code will also be available that night for digital payment).  If you are exchanging any parts of your tuxedo, please make sure to bring the pieces you need to return. 

We need some volunteers to help out with the fitting and distribution on September 18 (no experience necessary!) – please see the Signup Genius link.

Please reach out to Tux Chairs with any questions:

Leslie Brown: lesliebrown3@hotmail.com

Susanne Bendoraitis: smelltheroses@gmail.com


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